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Hollabaugh’s In The News

We’re honored and humbled to say that our family and farm have been featured a number of times throughout the year in the news. Click on the assorted links below to read some of the articles that have been written about our family’s business!


Brad and Kay Hollabaugh, Master FarmersBrad and Kay Hollabaugh receive the 2021 Master Farmer Award! Read the full article written about them here.


Click here to read Brad’s Editorial, published in The Gettysburg Times on 7/11/20.

Kay wrote an Op-Ed for The Gettysburg Times, our local paper, recently. It was published on Saturday, April 11. Here is her article:

Social media has been filled with a rather profound statement of late.  It goes something like this:  when the chips are down, it doesn’t really matter what professional sports figures or actors/actresses are saying and doing.  It matters what the farmer is doing.  He or she is the one who is going to feed us.  Funny, I’ve said that for decades!

Recently, we treated our production crew of 25 to pizza for lunch.  We did it to thank our workers AND to support a local mom and pop pizza business.  Sadly, I can’t speak Spanish and I asked one of our full time, bi-lingual men to thank our crew.  I asked him to tell them how much we appreciate what they do for us – every day – but particularly during this very stressful time with Covid-19 all around them.  Before he even finished, many were shaking their heads and quite a few said – “No – thank YOU for giving us work”.  They ALL thanked us for lunch and a job.  They finished their pizza and went back to work.  There was no complaining or whining.  Just gratitude for a couple slices of hot pizza and a job to do. 

You can rest assured that Agriculture in America – and certainly here in Adams County – has your back.  We’d ask that you have ours as well.  Please shop locally when you can – now and in the months and years to come.  The very tapestry of our lives is changing minute by minute right now.  At our farm market?  Thankfully, we are considered an essential business and may remain open since we produce and sell food. 

What we are seeing at OUR business is how the way people shop and think is changing.  They are not eating out as often and are asking for more from us.  We are trying to meet the need but adapting to the new model is stressful and requires a lot of extra effort from all of our amazing employees. 

I would be remiss right now if I didn’t give accolades to our Secretary of Agriculture, Russell Redding, who lives in our midst, shops with us, dines with us and worships with us.  Often, mandates and/or suggestions have come down for small businesses like ours from the Governor’s office on a Friday at 5 PM – giving a small business owner very little time to respond.  Through this all, I have repeatedly emailed and texted with the Secretary who has NEVER failed to respond and guide me.  We are incredibly fortunate to have him in our court right now.  Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for the unimaginable amount of work you are doing for all of PA agriculture right now.

You don’t have to worry whether Agriculture will rise to this big task – to feed our nation.  We always do.  Through drought, hurricanes, tornado, plummeting milk prices and spring freezes, we are cut out to produce and feed people.  At this time (and always), I would ask that you support ALL local farmers – whether they have a big farm market, or a lean-to against their home.  Please start to buy flowers at our local greenhouses – they are filled with beautiful flowers that offer so much beauty.  Order take-out from our family-owned businesses.  Please support them and all other small businesses right now. 

For centuries, we have had a beautiful tapestry here in Adams County.  The fabric looks a bit different right now, but with all of us working together we can bring the beauty back.  And just like an old tapestry, it will be even more beautiful and majestic and valuable.  We’ve got your back.  Please have ours.





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Winter Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 4:30pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

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545 Carlisle Rd.
Biglerville PA 17307

Hollabaugh Bros. Market

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