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Meet the Family

Meet the Family

We are very proud that Hollabaugh Bros., Inc. is now a four-generation, working family farm!
We are also very blessed, because small though our family is, our talents are wide-spread, which is what has helped us stay in business for 70 years! Read on to meet the family. . .

neilgeorgia_2007Neil Hollabaugh – Neil manages Hollabaugh Brother’s constantly growing wholesale division.  A board member since the company’s incorporation and owner of the family’s farm, Neil is also our resident equipment mechanic.  When Neil isn’t loading trucks with fresh HBI produce, there’s a good chance he’s spraying or pruning.  A long-time bowling aficionado, Neil is in several leagues and, in the off hours can likely be found going head-to-head with his son, Wayne.

Georgia is a retired music teacher from the Upper Adams School District and helps out at the market throughout the busy summer and fall seasons whenever she can!

Brad & Kay HollabaughBrad Hollabaugh – Brad is the company’s President and General Administrator and has worked full time since 1976.  He also manages the farm’s ever-more challenging Integrated Pest Management program.  He has been a board member since the company’s incorporation and co-owner of the family farm.  Brad has also been very active and a leader in Fruit Industry organizations during his career.  He is our resident expert on legislative affairs and has always been a strong advocate for Agriculture.

Kay Hollabaugh – Kay is our treasurer, co-owner of the family farm and a board member since 2007.  Her full time career began in 1984 as our Retail Market Manager.  Because Kay was very active in national marketing organizations, she was effective in expanding our retail enterprise including the addition of a Bakery and introduction of our School Tour program.  The culmination of that vision – strongly supported by the family – was the construction of our new retail market in 2012.  She is proud to work with both her daughter, Ellie, and daughter-in-law, Amanda, who are both taking over leading roles in the management of the market.

BAH Family 2020Bruce Hollabaugh – Bruce left this world suddenly and way to soon during the winter of 2022 at the age of 41, leaving behind an enormous hole in the family’s hearts and business. Bruce was the production manager here at the farm. He had returned to the family farm in May of 2002 after graduating from The Pennsylvania State University with degrees in horticulture and Spanish.  Bruce became an owner and member of the company’s board of directors in 2007.  A fluent Spanish speaker, Bruce was widely known and respected not only by our own employees, but throughout the community as an advocate for and friend to the latino population in Adams County. While managing the company’s ever growing and changing tree fruits, Bruce also introduced the production of small fruits and vegetables to the Hollabaugh farm; including blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, pumpkins, sweet corn, summer veggies, and potatoes. He will hold a constant place in our hearts and on this farm forever. For Bruce, we will farm.

Also a graduate of PSU, Amanda manages the retail market with Ellie and also manages HBI’s shipping/gift basket division. Amanda takes on a long tradition of quality in shipping HBI fruit boxes locally and around the country, and has created a wide assortment of novel gift baskets. Amanda also plays an integral roll managing the company’s ever-more complex payroll system. Bruce and Amanda have three children: Gabriel, Evangeline, and Fineas. You’ll likely see Gabriel in the orchard in the summer picking fresh produce or supporting the farm market.  Evangeline now works in the farm market, and Fineas regularly helps at the market on busy days and in the field during the summer!

Ellie Fam 2020Ellie Hollabaugh Vranich – Ellie is Hollabaugh Brother’s retail market manager and assistant business manager.  She returned to the family farm in May of 2006 after graduating from The Pennsylvania State University.  When Ellie’s not down hard at it in the market managing staff, inventories, and produce, she can be found in the office designing ads, updating the website, or doing other administrative tasks.  Most of the great new publications you see around the market are brain children of Ellie’s – as is our e-blast!  Ellie plays an integral part in the management of our ever-growing, ever-more complicated retail enterprise.

Ellie’s husband, Erik, is also a graduate of PSU. He works full-time for a local engineering firm in Gettysburg, but can often be found working at the retail market during the busy season.

Cooper and Claire are Ellie and Erik’s children. Cooper and Claire love to help out at the retail market and on the farm. If you visit during a busy weekend in the fall, chances are one of them might help you carry your bags to the car!

waynerachael2012Wayne Hollabaugh – Wayne is Hollabaugh Brother’s assistant wholesale manager.  He returned to the family farm in 2007 after graduating from The Pennsylvania State University.  In addition to helping Neil and Steve market our fresh produce, Wayne is also our key spray man and expert mower.  Taking after his Dad, be careful when Wayne’s around – he can talk you in to buying just about anything! With Wayne is his wife, Rachael, who is getting a taste of what it’s like to work with the family business by working at the retail market!

The Retirees

Twin Brothers, Donald and Harold Hollabaugh started the farm in 1955. After working well into their 70s, both retired from the business in 2007. Donald passed away in 2016. His brother, Harold, passed away in 2023.

Steve Hollabaugh was the first member of the second generation to retire in 2019. He and his wife, Vicky, now live off the farm. Steve worked his entire life on the family farm.


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Winter Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 4:30pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

Come Visit Us!

545 Carlisle Rd.
Biglerville PA 17307

Hollabaugh Bros. Market

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