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Stewards of the Land

 Stewards of the Land

Our farm is GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certified and we use low-risk Advanced IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in our orchards, helping us to grow the highest quality fruits and vegetables possible with the least impact on the environment possible.

Proud to be an IPM Grower!

Since 1955, the Hollabaugh family has been a proud steward of the gentle, rolling, fertile land on Yellow Hill.  For over 50 years, we have grown high quality fruit using a variety of “Integrated Pest Management” (IPM) methods.  In recent years, there has been an increased level of interest in food safety.  But what does that mean to us the grower and you the consumer? How do we arrive at specific methods of pest management?  We attend on-going educational seminars so that we are able to continue to offer you a high quality, safe, nutritious food product.  Please let us share with you what it means to be an IPM grower.

What exactly is IPM?

We use IPM practices to control the proliferation of the Brown Marmorated Stinkbug (BMSB) on our farm - an insect that has the potential to destroy our entire crop if not controlled.

We use IPM practices to control the proliferation of the Brown Marmorated Stinkbug (BMSB) on our farm – an insect that has the potential to destroy our entire crop if not controlled.

● An approach to managing pests (which can be insects, disease, or weeds!) using a combination of biological, chemical, and cultural methods supported by weather prediction data, pest development models, and scouting information taken directly from the orchard.
● A program that uses current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of insect and disease pests and their interaction with the orchard environment.
● An understanding of a pest’s identity and habits on a farm to carefully target its control measures at the correct time and reduce the total pesticides applied during the growing season.
● A group of methods that are considered “reduced risk” treatments that are either entirely non-toxic or have a low toxicity for humans and other non-target organisms in the orchard environment.

What are some benefits of IPM?

Using IPM, we are able to:
Promote natural plant defenses by allowing a more sound orchard environment that can better withstand damage from pests.
Reduce excessive or unnecessary use of pesticides due to the use of advanced pest management methods.
Manage pest populations below economic thresholds rather than eradicate them with toxic, broadspectrum chemicals.
Increase the survival presence and impact of beneficial organisms that are already present in the orchard environment.

How do we implement IPM on our farm?

IPM is a complex combination of Biological, Cultural, and Chemical management strategies.  Thorough
understanding and implementation of all three of these pieces helps us to “integrate” them into our pest management program. Below are common
examples of each of the three categories of IPM.

Biological: By reproducing the female sex pheromone of a number of our more persistent pests in the orchard, we are actually able to “confuse” the males and never let them find a mate – thereby controlling future generations without the use of pesticides. We also use “good bugs” (e.g. Lady Bugs) to work against “bad bugs” (e.g. Aphids). We let Lady Bugs thrive to do what they do best: eat Aphids!

Cultural: Understanding the interaction between crops, plants, the environment, and pest organisms in an orchard goes a long way in managing the pests.  In terms of pest control, simply maintaining fruit trees and plants in a horticulturally sound manner maximizes natural disease and pest resistance.  By proper pruning and keeping our orchards mowed and weed-free, we limit natural pest breeding grounds.

Chemical: Pesticide application is an integral part of any IPM program.  However, with constant research and more advanced chemistries available to us, we can use “softer,” less toxic products that specifically target the pest organisms instead of killing all the insects in an orchard.

In many cases, we do not even use chemical sprays to control pests.

What About Organic? What’s The Difference?

Just like IPM practices, organic production methods are evolving.  Many of the IPM practices used on our farm are accepted organic production practices as well.  Unlike organic practices, growers who responsibly use IPM make optimum use of the many management practices mentioned previously.  Many IPM sprays do not qualify for use by organic standards. However, organic producers frequently use high rates of other sprays to try to control the same pests IPM growers control with their integrated approach. “Organic production” is very popular in today’s marketplace, but it is not necessarily a safer, healthier, or more environmentally friendly method of fruit production.  Regardless, the U.S. produce you eat is grown in a safer, more environmentally friendly manner than anywhere else in the world – and supporting your local grower will keep it that way!

The Next Pest: Spotted Lanternfly

While it hasn’t officially been sighted in Adams County, PA where our farm is located, all eyes are watching for this invasive species. Imported from Asia, this pest is wreaking havoc in Eastern PA and has now been identified in New Jersey and Virginia as well. Instead of damaging the fruit like the Brown Marmorated Stinkbug, this little guy attacks the tree itself, sucking out the life, quite literally, of the plant it is attacking. While they especially seem to like grapevines, they have been found in peach and apple orchards in Eastern PA, and certain counties are currently quarantined. The motto for this guy is: Look Before You Leave! Be watchful and don’t let this guy hitchhike into other parts of the state and country!



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Winter Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 4:30pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

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545 Carlisle Rd.
Biglerville PA 17307

Hollabaugh Bros. Market

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