Call Us: 717-677-8412

Bee Room


Kids and adults alike enjoy a regular visit into our bee room. Home to a working hive of honey bees that you can watch hard at work, the room also features displays teaching you about IPPM, invasive insects such as the Spotted Lanternfly, challenges in the industry, and much more. The starting point to any farm tour, our bee room is open to the public during normal business hours.

Interested in taking a tour of the farm? Just click here to learn more!

Our Bee Room is open to the public almost every day! Stop in and immerse yourself in ag!


Learn about the bees we use for pollination on our farm.


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Current Retail Hours


Winter Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 4:30pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

Come Visit Us!

545 Carlisle Rd.
Biglerville PA 17307

Hollabaugh Bros. Market

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