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How to Freeze Blueberries

How To Freeze Blueberries

Prep time 5 minutes
Hint: When you place blueberries into containers for freezing, measure them by the number of cups you put in and mark your bags. Then, when you have a recipe that calls for a certain amount, you already have them pre-measured!


  • Blueberries (The quantity is your choice - do as many or as few as you need!)


Freezing blueberries doesn't get much easier. And then, you can enjoy them year-round!


Step 1
Wash blueberries, picking out any leaves or stems that may have snuck into your container!
Step 2
Allow the blueberries to drip dry (the wetter they are, the more ice that will form around them in the next step).
Step 3
Spread blueberries evenly on a cookie sheet(s) and place in the freezer, uncovered.
Step 4
When blueberries are completely frozen (a few hours), carefully scrape them off the tray and into containers or freezer bags. Seal and place back in the freezer while still in a frozen state. You're done!

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